Speaker Instructions & Application

What we Expect From our Speakers

    Ignite High Desert provides the platform to share life-shaping experiences, passions, and unique perspectives. With 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. Share your idea with 200 eager audience members that have your undivided attention! Just make sure it's appropriate for all ages. 😊
    No sales pitches allowed. This is not an event to market yourself, your organization, or your product. If you are not sure if your topic qualifies, please contact us to run your idea by us.

    You do not need to be a resident of the High Desert to apply as a speaker!

Your Committments to the event

  • Prepare a 5-minute talk.
  • Create a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation. A template will be provided.
  • Attend the following mandatory meetings. All dates and times are under the “Important Dates to add to Your Calendar:
    • Presenter Orientation Via Zoom
    • In-person practice critique
    • Final rehearsal
  • Sell at least 5 tickets to the event (invite your family and friends!)
  • No sales pitches allowed. This is not an event to market yourself, your organization, or your product.
  • Sign a waiver to post your presentation Online. Your contact information will be kept confidential.

Let's light up the High Desert!

Important Dates to add to your Calendar


Jan. 2025

Ignite Speaker Sign-up Deadline
Add to Calendar


Feb. 2025

5 PM – 6 PM

Ignite Speaker Orientation via Zoom
Add to Calendar


Mar. 2025


In-person Critique Session for Speakers
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Mar. 2025

Last Day for Submitting Speech Title Changes
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Mar. 2025

Final PPT and Script Submission Deadline
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Apr. 2025

4 PM – 6 PM

Final Rehearsal at Venue​
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Apr. 2025

4 PM – 9 PM

Ignite High Desert Live
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Apply as a Speaker for Ignite HD 2025

Deadline for submission is January 31, 2025

(Please send your bio and headshot with your application if you would like us to create your speaker page on this website. If not, please send that info for the printed program before March 15, 2025)
Click here to see a sample bio and speaker page

Upload Your Bio And Head-shot (If you haven't already)

Deadline for submission is March 15, 2025

(Please send your bio and headshot with your application if you would like us to create your speaker page on this website. If not, please send that info for the printed program before March 15)
Click Here to see a sample bio and speaker page.